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July 13, 2010



I'm thinking about my grandparents in this context. They still have each other, though my grandmother's mind is gone so I guess not really. But my grandfather still has his friends, and his opinions, and his family, few that they are. I'm not sure old age is so isolating. But then of course it is, when you are constrained by physical limitations and waiting for young people to find time to do things for you. But what's the alternative?

I've only had one friend die--from cancer, very fast. She was 19.


A few months ago I decided to try and locate an old high school friend, only to learn he'd died 10 years ago, in his late 30s, from some f%¢ked up illness. Then today I was driving along and was struck by the thought that in 3 decades I'd likely be either dead or in an institution. I feel like I just got out of high school. But that was 30 years ago. Ack!

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  • CDC ART Success Rates
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