On Wednesday I woke up all achy in the belly area and even had trouble just walking around. Really, I couldn't straighten up because then the achiness turned into a sharp pain. And I kept having more and more of those Braxton Hicks. But sometimes I would be all achy and in pain when I wasn't having the Braxton Hicks.
So I spent some time consulting the great font of wisdom, Google, to see if it could lend any insights into whether this could be related to oncoming labor or not. And I checked my cervix. (I saw someone post something recently SOMEWHERE wondering why they tell you not to do that when you are in late pregnancy. She said that they were OK with you putting a penis in there, and certainly not a freshly washed one, so why not your very clean finger? Wish I could remember and give credit to who said this.)
Google report: who knows
Cervix report: my finger is not long enough to find it right now. And, believe me, I've had plenty of experience finding it at other times during my TCOYF days. Maybe this is where the penis comes in handy. The penis I use is longer than the finger I use. But the penis is unwilling these days, afraid of traumatizing our youngest child with abrupt motion changes. (Although there doesn't seem to be a problem with driving fast in very bumpy parking lots when my bladder is about to burst.)
Thursday morning I felt much better physically (yes, that achiness lasted the whole day. I could barely walk as the pain sometimes went from my groin down my inner thigh). However, Thursday started out not so well emotionally. Jack was super crabby when he woke up. He wasn't interested in breakfast. He refused to get dressed. Couple this with the fact that David had scheduled an appointment to get his car inspected at 8 am, so we were kind of on a schedule to get out of the house. Forcing the getting dressed issue made things go from bad to worse and it all cast a very dark shadow over my mood and the rest of the day.
Really, I was so upset by the morning experience that I couldn't concentrate on work at all. Finally in the afternoon I put my head down for a little while and woke up feeling better enough to actually do some work.
When I picked up Jack I learned that he'd had "the runs" in the morning and was clutching his belly. But after two watery poops, he felt much better.
Of course, the tough morning didn't set him out on the right foot either. Soon after his pooping relief another child took the ball he was holding in the toddler play yard. Jack did not like this and bit the other child. However, when he was told that biting was not allowed and not nice, he apologized to the other child and gave a hug.
Score: Jack's been bitten twice but he's only bit someone else once. These episodes all happened since the move in March.
But by the time I picked him up Thursday ( a little early because I was so freaking upset about this morning and worried about him and about me) he was a happy guy again. What a relief.
After these past two days though (during which David actually primed and painted the kitchen, mowed the back 40 and we each did multiple loads of laundry as I waddled around the house all bent over) I'm thinking we are all very much in need of some fun. It has been such a crunch lately and we are all feeling the effects.
Here is the schedule for the next few weeks:
July 13: lunch with colleague. Look at lights at home depot
July 14: David paints kitchen ceiling while Jack and I go somewhere else
July 15: 75th birthday party for friend
July 16: way overdue hair appointment after work
July 18-20: kitchen floor ripped out and installed. Counter guys also said they could come at this time, but they can't both be here at once. don't know what we will do. But having a kitchen sink is dependent on the counter guys finishing their thing. AND I MISS HAVING A KITCHEN SINK!!!
July 20: I think this will be my last day at work, but maybe not because
July 23: Mother in law arrives for 10-day stay. I just hate the part where you sit around with people and they just stare at you, waiting for you to grimace or move funny. Makes me want to go off into the woods and give birth there all by myself. My mom was like this when I was at the end with Jack and it drove me to the brink of insanity. However, I think my mother in law will not be as much like this as just wanting to put stuff away in the wrong spots in my new kitchen.
July 24: Preop stuff at hospital
July 25: scheduled c-section
July 26: I stop paying attention to schedules longer than 2 hours.
Maybe we can have a family fun day or something on July 21. Would be nice to have a last day like that with just the three of us, because things have been so grueling lately we haven't had much of a chance to enjoy each other's company.
Ummmm, Jess that was some labour pain. Seriously, I'll bet your Doctor discovers your cervix is shorter. A lot frickin' shorter. And tell your silly husband to reach up there and check it with his hand. Course, I'm sure he'll have no clue what to check for...find your doctor...dying to know what's what.
Posted by: Aurelia | July 13, 2007 at 03:50 PM
Modern life at its finest.
I have no idea about labor, but it does sound tell-tale.
Posted by: Eva | July 13, 2007 at 07:53 PM
Contemporary life of today at its best. I have no concept about work, but it does audio tell-tale.
Posted by: spray insulations | March 30, 2012 at 12:43 PM