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April 18, 2007



yup. i agree. i made the same type of observation to whoever would listen. i was stuck at home getting it and it was worse when they knew nothing and spent hours upon hours speculating.

thank God, I was able to turn it off for a day finally, after Geraldo came off with his uber-sensationalist fluff, and almost made me puke...or throw the remote at the tv. which would not have been good and my have cost us a perfectly good tv. LOL!


Yes, I too hate modern media coverage. Also, that bad things happen. I just want to hold my baby close and protect her forever.


I never watch those network news shows. Drives me nuts...I'd lose my mind without my DVR to save me from those nights!

Interestingly enough, there are cheap and widely available text messaging broadcast services now. We used them during the leadership campaign to send them to people's cellphones on the convention floor. That was about 10,000 people. We did it on the fly. But I've noticed that large organizations like this, tend to overthink these things and make it more complicated than it has to be.

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